Easy Tricks to Suppress Wedding Costs

Each couple would want a wedding as well and lively as possible. However, limited funds are often an obstacle. For that, you and your partner have to be smart to get around for the cost of marriage does not swell too big. Here’s Easy Tricks to Suppress Wedding Costs.

There are some simple tricks to reduce the cost of a wedding is much more efficient, in terms of site selection, wedding dress, invitations, and so on. Consider the following description, as quoted from Suite 101 and Genius Beauty.

Easy Tricks to Suppress Wedding Costs :

1. Place of Marriage
Adjust where you were married by the number of invitations, the location is also noteworthy. Do not force yourself to rent the buildings are very expensive wedding. Because the building is mediocre can also look beautiful with the right decor concept. Make sure you choose the building also has partnerships with other vendors, such as decorators and caterers. Because if not, there is an extra fee to enter the vendor of your choice.

2. Select the Music Acoustics
Band complete with instruments such as classical piano, saxophone and violin can indeed bring more festive party. But if you have limited funds, acoustic music was enough to make a party atmosphere more romantic. In addition, the soundsystem that you require is not too complicated, so it can save costs.

3. Minimize Use of Interest
Use flowers for decoration can make your wedding costs to swell. Now you can save the use of connection by changing the details of the wedding. For example with fabric-colorful fabrics, lanterns, fairy lights and so on. If you still want to wear flowers, choose flowers that are in season and are not scarce, making it more affordable. Buy flowers from his agent or go to the flower market to choose flowers that you want. Better use of domestic interest, because it is usually cheaper

4. Wedding Dress
Typically, kebaya become the choice of many women for her wedding dress. The selection model kebaya also affect the amount of costs incurred to make it. For example, if you choose the kebaya with a long tail, meaning you have to pay more for buying fabric and sewing costs. Pililhlah kebaya design details are not too complicated and many sequins, so that manufacturing cost can be less expensive fashion. This is also true for wedding dresses. You can choose a dress that looks more simple, to save costs. If you want to be more efficient, take advantage of services of a wedding dress rental.

5. Number of Invitations
Make a list of invitations can save you a few things, namely the number of printed invitations, number of servings of food, as well as the number of souvenirs. Make sure the people who actually invited those who know you well. Do not waste money by inviting people who do not have a relationship not too close to you and your partner.

6. Perform a Short Wedding Procession
If it's a budget that you and your partner are very tight, so no need to make a long wedding procession. Make a solid and better schedule a one-day marriage, for example, for you are Muslim, join the procession of the ceremony and reception into one. Similarly, for those who has left, the blessing ceremony and reception party can also be made one day. In addition to cost savings in terms of the procession, the budget for the documentation was to be reduced. You, your spouse and family need not spend too much energy to run a long wedding procession.

7. Souvenir
Wedding gift need not be expensive. But more important is its usefulness. If it's useful souvenirs, party guests will not throw it away. All you need to remember, try not to choose too large souvenir. You will only make the guests hassles. Rather than force myself to buy the goods beyond the capability, better choose a simple gift such as chocolate pralines wrapped in a beautiful container.

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