5 Wrong Myths on Marriage

Many myths about marriage that is believed to bring happiness. The myth is sometimes raises high expectations for the majority of people who plan a wedding. In fact, the myth is not necessarily true and the opposite happened. Here's 5 Wrong Myths on Marriage. Here are 5 myths about marriage that should not need to pay attention, as reported by the Times of India.

 1. No marriage can Make You Lonely Again
Lots of couples that justify the myth. They assume that in the wedding, all things will be undertaken and paid for both. If you're dogged by problems at work or with family, they assume there will be an accompanying spouse so that they will not be lonely. In fact, some women today still feel lonely even if they are married. For those of you who are lonely and feel that marriage is a solution, you need to think and to identify more about the myth. Get married because you are willing and ready.

2. Sex-Can Perform Only when
Sexual desire and frequency you to havesex libido depends on each one. In addition, sexualarousal can be reduced with increasing time. Couples who have been in conflict with one another is certainly not getting enough sexualsatisfaction. If you think that marriage can always satisfy the sexualdesire, not entirely true. There are times when couples can not havesex because it was too tired from work piling up, busy taking care of a child or a very limited time. Getting married is a complicated thing, not just a way to legalize sexualrelations.

3. Women Do not Need to Work After Marriage
This myth tends to be less realistic. Today, according to the demands of a variety of needs that must be met, it seems very common when women should also have their own jobs. Having a husband that does not mean your financial situation will improve so that all the needs that fit your lifestyle can be met. Your spouse also may be overwhelmed and a little mind if he is required to meet all your needs.

4. Have a Happy Family
Everyone who plans to marry would also like to win the hearts of a large family-law and her partner. They have expectations and they even believe that the family of the couple will cherish and love them like family. In fact, there are circumstances that could have been far from expectations. Conflicts, differences of opinion and principle will inevitably color any large family. Give love and concern for your partner's extended family, but do not expect too much.

5. Children Will Strengthen Marriage Institute
Many consider that the child can strengthen the quality of marriage and defuse conflicts that occur in couples who have married. However, not infrequently, the opposite is true. In fact, research conducted by Brian Doss, PDD from Texas A & M University and Galena Rhoades, PhD, Scott Stanley, PhD, and Howard Mark, PhD, of the University of Denver showed that the satisfaction of marriage faster decline in couples who have had children.

 So, before deciding to quickly have a child on the grounds that marriage can become happier, you should carefully consider other aspects. Are you both really want a child right now? Are you prepared and couples to have children?

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