This Causes the First Year of Marriage Full of Temptation

Odds that early age the age of marriage is not the easy route seems to prove true. The researchers also revealed the reasons behind these assumptions. Is it? This causes the First Year of Marriage Full of Temptation. Try to always patient and wise in every condition. The first year of marriage really full anger and temptation.

As quoted from About, research shows that the first and second year of marriage can destroy a marriage. The study, titled 'The Crucible Connubial: newlywed Years as Predictors of Marital Delight, Distress, and Divorce' was done by Ted L. Huston, John P. Caughlin, Renate M. Houts, Shanna E. Smith, Laura J. George, and published in the journal 'The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology'.

"This study shows life in the second year for the newly married couple can reflect their married life at 13 years. They are difficult to overcome the change of love, affection and confidence are more likely to divorce than those who were stable," said Dr. Huston of the University of Texas at Austin.

The researchers also found differences between couples who are happy and unhappy right after the wedding is completed. The study observed 156 couples who married in 1981. Then they find the results after 13 years later, the happy couple 68, 32 and 56 unhappy couples had divorced.

The couple divorced, the first year of marriage has been showing signs of disappointment and negative behaviors with each other. While couples are still married and happy, able to have positive feelings about their partners at the first and second years of marriage.

If you are depressed with marriage in the first year, it is normal. But most important is how you and your partner cope with these pressures. According to Dr. Huston, the key is to keep creating a happy marriage life a romantic wedding.

In addition, married couples also have to know how to handle financial matters, household chores, how to spend leisure time and the right time to have sex. In addition they also need to learn to deal with when you meet with in-laws, understand the difference - religion, for example, learn to cope with konfilk and discuss the expectations in the future.

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