Indecisive Feelings Towards The Marriage.

Why do I feel hesitant to become my future wife, but three days before I would marry him? Indecisive feelings towards the marriage is often experienced bride. Let it be a problem until you cancel a wedding ritual. Keep in mind that marriage is compulsory. Feeling hesitant ahead of the wedding is a very reasonable sense. Yesterday was the time I want to get married also experience such things. Perhaps even worse, because between my wife and I have the same feelings, the same vacillating and indecisive.

Some things that time my wife and I do is:
  • Trying to set the heart with a sincere intention that we were meant to marry.
  • Pray and trust, and sincerity is the key in dealing with various problems and indecision.
  • More minded, Focused on the living the life to come is better than life today. At that time, I prefer to remember the promise of God, that married is unifier (Al Quran), marriage is the sunna (the Prophet), married will increase the degree of (Alhadits) and married would make life rich / wealthy in a broad sense (Alhadits).
Then, with the indecision of whether to be happy then? Alhamdulillah with a variety of efforts such as those I have mentioned so far is to make sense of our lives and our lives a peaceful, serene and happy. Hopefully things better will always come into our lives and all mankind on earth. amen.
Peace for all and be happy family... :)

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